MATH 351 Homework 02

  1. Pick a continuous or discrete (not multivariate nor Normal) distribution from the Scipy documentation of distributions such that you can find it on Wikipedia, and choose any reasonable parameters for your distribution.
  2. Make a plot of the density function. A good starting point for the bounds of the plot are the mean - 5 * standard_deviation to mean + 5 * standard_devation.
  3. Generate at least 1,000 random numbers (data) from your distribution.
  4. Calculate a mean, a variance, a standard deviation, percentile/quantile, and a probability.
  5. Look up your distribution's relationship between the parameters you choose and the mean, variance, and/or standard deviation. See if you can recover the parameters of interest using only the values calculated above.
  6. Add/change two extra pieces to your plot. I anticipate that you will think of something you want to add/change, another color or some such thing, and then Google around until you can figure out how to do it. All of your searches should start with "python pyplot ...".